Have you been injured while on the job? As an employee, you have rights. The truth is, workers’ compensation is a complex and always-changing part of the law. It is important to have an attorney represent you because the insurance company, which is in the business of making money, will have their own. Thankfully, our lawyers have the time and knowledge to help you with your case. Please call us for workers' compensation in Greensboro or Winston Salem, NC.
As soon as an accident has happened, please seek medical attention and then give us a call. Workers’ compensation was created to protect employees and their rights in the workplace. We will walk you through the steps you need to take to receive workers' compensation. It is very important to tell your supervisor about the accident and the resulting injury so you can properly report it. If a workplace injury has stopped you from being able to work and has caused you to get medical attention, you have rights to get wage replacement and medical treatment reimbursement.
Aside from accidents, workers’ compensation can also cover employees who have long-term problems and illnesses that were caused during a long period of time on the job. These occupational diseases include but are not limited to hearing loss, diseases caused by chemical exposure, asbestosis and more. If it comes down to it, we are also able to help you sue your employer for negligence if you were injured because safety standards were not met in your workplace.
Our attorneys will work with you, get all of the necessary information, and go from there. We want you to win your workers' compensation case, so we will get all of our information before we move forward.
As an employee, if you have gotten a work-related illness or suffered an injury in Greensboro or Winston Salem, NC, please call our attorneys at Rizzi Law Firm. Instead of paying out of pocket for medical treatments and not getting compensated for months or longer, get the benefits that you deserve.
To schedule a free consultation, please give us a call.
Other Locations
Raleigh Location: 414 Fayetteville St.
Fourth Floor, Raleigh, NC 27604
Greensboro Location: 713 Corporate Center Ct. Greensboro, NC 27408
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